Monday, November 2, 2009


What is never done, but has to be done?

At my house there are 12 -14 loads of laundry done every week. So much laundry means that we are blessed with many clothes. Our family is blessed with choices ( maybe too many ) and we can express our style and personality through our clothing.

I spend a lot of time in this room. I like this room. I am thankful to have a fun place to do a job that I do not like. I have not always had such a room. In our first home, my laundry area was in a makeshift detached garage and there was only cold water to wash with. The wash water drained out into the yard somewhere...maybe in the neighbors yard. I think the water was actually hooked up to the neighbors meter. In our second house, my laundry was in an unfinished basement. It was an improvement, but very cold down there in the winter. I did have hot water and it was indoors. In our third home, I had a laundry closet. It was in the back entry behind bifold doors. This was an even greater improvement. It was on the main level, indoors and I had hot water.
In this house the laundry room is the best I have ever had. I love it.
Today, I am thankful for laundry and my laundry room.