Sunday, November 1, 2009


Alma 34:38
" in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and
blessings which he doth bestow upon you."

My Personal Challenge:
Each day of this month until Thanksgiving I will strive to blog the
great blessings of my life and give sincere thanks.

It is the people in my life that are my greatest blessings.
(I have a few things that I like and consider blessings too),
but tonight I will start with this man...Love him, with a capital L!

Mark continues to be my rock! He supports me in every effort I make. He is the best friend and father. I appreciate his daily willingness to work hard for our family and provide me the opprotunity to be home with our children. He never complains. He is simply happy with dinner, clean clothes and an occasional back rub. His simplicity is an amazing quality. He is a great example to me.

Today, I am thankful for Mark.